Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Friday, May 20, 2011


  1. Did you create that? It's frelling genius!

  2. Too bad it I didn't see it sooner.

    I could have left them on neighbor's doors.

  3. I LOVE THIS!! Too bad I didn't see it in time to distribute a few of them.

  4. I was in a Bar in DC drinking a single malt MaCallan. I figured if it went pear shape, I wouldn't care, and if it didn't. I was still able to enjoy a fine Scotch.

  5. All of which giveth me to wonder... we've all seen those bumper stickers reading "In case of rapture this car will be unmanned." So, when the Elect are Summoned Up, do they leave their clothes behind as well?

    One hopes that not even a wrathful god would be so cruel.


Play nicely with others, or eat banhammer.